Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Geese problems on grass & lawns, stop geese from damaging lawns

Geese Problems on grass and lawns -
When geese are eating or damaging turf, apply Migrate Taste Deterrent to the grass in grazing areas to make the grass unpalatable to geese without hurting them. In addition, pairs of Dead Geese Decoys can be deployed on the problem area. From fences, or low hanging branches or bushes hang Holographic Owls, Scare Eye Balloons and strips of Mylar Tape and Repel Strips. Also install Away with Geese Land & Residental Based Unit & the Away with Geese Water Based Geese Deterrent near the problem area to disrupt the geese sleep pattern. Also a few Gull-Cat Bird Deterrenton your lawn will also help scare pesky geese. For large flocks of geese we recommend X-Trme Goose Problem Control Kit. Set the visual bird deterrents in and around the problem area. We also recommend adding a few Coyote Predator Decoys.

Solutions for geese damaging agriculture, wetlands, tailing ponds -
For larger areas of land experiencing geese problems, the same tactic of combining audio &visual bird deterrents should be deployed as they increase the birds fear and flight response to the perceived predator threat.

The Vineyards Bird Wailer and Wetlands Bird WailerTM audio bird deterrent system is highly effective at keeping birds away from large plots of land or water. The Bird Wailer is not a ‘scare’ system relying on loud noises, but instead, creates a "No Fly" zone of rotational, surround sound at normaldb’s making it uncomfortable for the birds to remain in the area. The Bird Wailer can cover up to 20 acres and is custom programmed for the geographic location with species-specific sound deterrents. The Zon Gun

A lightweight portable propane-fired cannon emits automatic thunderclaps that deter pest birds and other nuisance wildlife. The Zon Gun has long been used to keep geese away from parks, lakes, farms, oil spills. Another new product is the hand held Avian Dissuader, which is a humane bird scare device that moves pest birds with a laser. The Avian Dissuader is a great tool for proactively moving birds at dusk and dawn. It’s primarily used to deny targeted birds their desired roost. Forcing birds to a different overnight roost usually means that they go somewhere else to forage during the day. Also to deter flocks from the area flying a Flying Falcon Bird Deterrent over the area has been shown to be effective.

Contact us at mark@birdsgottago.com with details about your bird problem and we can work with you to determine the best bird control products to deter the birds from your property.

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