Monday, August 18, 2014

Pest bird Control solutions and deterrents for bird problems

The domestic pigeon, a thirty million-year evolutionary success story, is a descendant of the European rock dove. Common throughout the world, the pigeon is now regarded as the primary urban pest bird. Originally introduced as a "domesticated" bird, the rock dove's natural habitat was on rocky cliffs with protective ledges. By contrast, today's "street" pigeon seeks a similar architectural nook as an overnight roost: recessed window ledges, eaves, parking garages and billboards. Daytime lofting sites run the gamut, from balconies to billboards.

Since pigeons mate for life and have a voracious sexual appetite (starting as early as four months of age), it is not unusual for a pair to produce more than 10 young per year. The squabs are air-borne within two months and generally roost in the same area. It does not take long before the flock number increases dramatically. With a life span of 10 or more years. no city-dwelling predators, and an unending food supply, the population increases exponentially. 

The street pigeon, unlike any other species, will soil its own nest. Their droppings cause hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to property.

Feathered Pests in Society

Bird lovers abound in every city. Feeding the birds provides a pleasant diversion to city dwellers deprived of "wildlife". There is a certain mystique associated with birds; witness the "little old lady in the park" with her bag of popcorn feeding the pigeons. Realistically, these aptly named air rats, through their droppings, are carriers of several serious diseases, including histoplasmosis, encephalitis and salmonella. Pigeons are also the hosts for various parasites such as fleas and ticks.

Not all of the blame is due to pigeons. Starlings, numbering in the thousands, are not an uncommon sight at power plants, city parks and office buildings. Seagulls in coastal areas (and moving increasingly inland) will often occupy an entire acre-sized roof or parking lot.

More alarming are the instances of bird strikes to aircraft. Damage to aircraft exceeds $50,000,000 annually. In a futile attempt to prevent bird strikes at JFK Airport, the USDA killed 28,000 gulls. Within a year, 14,000 had re nested owing to adjacent breeding grounds.
Aquatic and flocking birds cause an estimated $100,000,000 of damage to United States agriculture annually. Even the seemingly innocent house sparrow causes enormous problems for the food industry. An extremely agile and intelligent bird, the sparrow will "hitch a ride" on a forklift to gain entry to a bird proofed building.

Bird Management

The variety of species of birds, and their ability to adapt to any architectural environment, has brought businesses affected by bird droppings to the brink of the "bird wars." The field general against this onslaught rightfully is the pest control industry. Pest control operators are required by state and/or federal law to maintain a more-than passing knowledge of bird behavioral patterns and acceptable control measures. Until recently, the pest control operators' arsenal consisted of sticky gels, "porcupine spines" (inferior netting), and the use of toxic baits.

The Europeans, beset with more than their share of bird problems (annual costs exceed $10,000,000 in the United Kingdom alone), have entered the fray with an impressive array of sophisticated, state-of-the-art bird control systems, such as the low-profile post and tension ed wire and one-piece "invisible" netting systems.

Health and Legal Concerns

Prior to undertaking any bird proofing, the infected area must be clean. Removal of bird droppings can be hazardous to your health and must be conducted safely and expeditiously. Protective clothing and use of a respirator is recommended. Also, it should be noted that migratory birds and endangered species are protected by a myriad of federal, state and local regulations.

Historical and Aesthetic Considerations

A study of bird deterrent systems in 1980 performed for the General Services Administration (GSA by the architectural firm of Cooper-Lecky found that neither audio repulsion, "scare" devices, nor poison baiting have a long-term effect on pigeons and starlings in an urban environment. The study also concluded that most tactile deterrent systems are harmful and ineffective.

The ideal bird deterrent system should be inconspicuous and chemically compatible with the building components. The system should be reversible so that, if removed, the building could be restored to its original state. Moreover, the system must be easily accessible for building maintenance.

Control Measures

Among the popular methods of population reduction are the use of toxicants mixed with grains, and shooting or live trapping. These techniques are labor-intensive and usually prompt an adverse public reaction. Moreover, the removal of a portion of the flock creates a vacuum effect. As birds are then less abundant, there is less competition for food and shelter, and the remaining birds respond by increasing their breeding. Also, birds from other areas move in to exploit the extra food supply. An endless cycle begins with pigeons breeding and repopulating an area just as quickly as they can be killed. Accordingly, it makes more sense to concentrate on prevention and bird proofing.

Choice of Bird proofing System

All systems have advantages and disadvantages, and often, a combination of several systems is necessary, particularly when the area to be treated is a protected overnight roost. Over the last few years, the quality of bird proofing materials has improved dramatically and a number of new anti-roosting systems have come on the market. An overview of these products is given below.

Visual and audio devices such as owls or snakes and ultrasonic signals are low cost items and generally produce low results as birds quickly figure out that a stationary "predator" is not a threat. Also, the EPA has decreed that ultrasonic devices are totally worthless.  When possible combine audio systems with visual deterrents because birds have a highly developed sense of sight and are particularly alert to moving and brightly colored objects. The Rotating Attack Eagle Bird Deterrent moves in the wind and will scare away new problem birds. Inflated "scare eye" balloons, Holographic repel strips, mylar tape that move with the wind produce a startle effect that will dissuade native birds, but not pigeons, on a short-term basis from a given area, especially if accompanied by an alarm and/or predator calls. A new and very successful product is the Holographic Bird Scare Guardian Owl. The bright flash of the unique holographic / iridescent feather pattern, large eyes and movement deters the most persistent bird from destroying personal property.
Another new option for woodpecker & swallow problems is the Optical Bird Gel Repellent which affects all pest bird species by triggering multiple sensory responses. First, the material emits a UV light to make it appear as a flame to approaching birds. Stick the pre-loaded dishes near and around the pest bird problem areas! Also try placing the Gull-Cat Bird Deterrent Scares Birds near the bird problem. The Gull-Cat Bird Deterrent is positioned in a crouching predator stance with life-like fur, sharp teeth and claws. The Gull-cat decoy's head and tail also move in the wind.  Another new product is the FireFly Bird Diverter which  incorporates motion, reflectivity, and luminescence emissions that affect avian vision.The Firefly is designed to keep birds away from structures like cell towers, MET Towers, transmission lines, power lines, Firefly Fence Diverter.

Distress calls of a startled or injured bird are available on microchips that can be regulated by a motion sensor and timer. The units are programmed to be species-specific as there is no generic distress call that will repel all types of birds. Distress calls are not effective against pigeons. Generally, these deterrents are only temporary at best and should be re-positioned periodically and re-enforced with pyrotechnics and other scare devices. New on the market is  the state of the art family of sound systems called "Bird Wailer, this  is not a ‘scare’ system relying on loud noises. But instead, creates a "No Fly" zone of rotational, surround sound at normal db’s making it uncomfortable for the birds to remain in the area. The Bird Wailer has been very effective at keeping migratory birds away from Airports,  retention ponds, fruit farms, agriculture farms etc.

Chemical repellents are non-toxic, sticky gels. Gels are available in cartridges and are inexpensive, easy to apply, and can be quite effective against pigeons and starlings. However, the disadvantages are a short life and the risk of feather entanglement. Worse, the gel can cause permanent staining to the building's facade as air pollutants are attracted to the sticky surface and will run off in rain or intense heat.

Trapping, while very humane, is labor-intensive and impractical. It is difficult to capture the entire flock and new birds move in to fill the vacuum. Also, even though birds are released at a new location, they usually return to the original nesting site.

Toxic baiting, also an expensive and ongoing undertaking, is a very effective method of reducing or relocating large flocks of birds. It is imperative that a baiting program be carried out by a licensed operator, with an effort made to avoid public scrutiny.

Mechanical barriers are available in a bewildering array of stainless steel and plastic spike or coil configurations. Although inexpensive and easily installed using silicone or screws, these systems are visually conspicuous at low levels. Most systems are effective against pigeons and gulls but not starlings or sparrows. Disadvantage include a tendency to entrap debris, and recurring nesting, which results in periodic maintenance.

Electric devices are grounded, low-amp wiring systems that repel birds with a non-lethal, pulsating shock. Although inconspicuous and very effective, electric repellent systems are initially expensive to install and require periodic maintenance.

Post and wire (Birdwire) systems have been used in Europe for over 20 years. This inconspicuous and inexpensive system consists of a thin nylon-coated stainless steel wire that is spring-tensioned to narrow posts. Easily installed with an extensive selection of accessories for virtually any architectural configuration, the system is effective against pigeons and gulls, but not starlings or sparrows. The system is also effective against aquatic birds in open areas such as ponds or parking lots. While the most versatile and least expensive of all the available systems, installation of trip wires is an artistic endeavor and requires a modicum of mechanical know-how.

Bird Netting, last but not least, is the most effective barrier available to deny all species of birds a roosting or breeding site on any structure. Bird net is strong, weatherproof, effective against all species, and is relatively inexpensive. However, considerable skill is required for permanent installation. Bird nets are very inconspicuous and can be color-coded to effect a virtually invisible finished product. This technique provides a long-term (10+ year) solution and should always be the first method considered. 

In addition to an integrated bird management system, basic bird control involves elimination of nests, food, water and shelter. Selection of the correct system or combination thereof is critical in preventing re-roosting. After all, they're not called homing pigeons for nothing.

Contact us at with details about your bird problem and we can work with you to determine the best bird control products to deter the birds from your property.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Stop woodpecker problems for homes using audio, visual woodpecker deterrents

Woodpeckers in the wild are great it’s when they decide to attack your home in a search of food and a new mate that they start to become a little less cute.  Woodpecker problems are becoming a bigger problem as we move closer to nature and take away their natural dwellings. That has lead to a rise in homeowners getting to hear nonstop drumming that can drive even the biggest bird lover crazy.  
How not to solve a Woodpecker Problem
For 18 years I answered every imaginable question concerning bird problems and a few times a year I used to get bombarded with questions about woodpeckers. People love to tell you long glowing stories about this cute little bird that’s driving them crazy.  From my perspective all Woodpecker problems are basically the same “annoying pecking” and destroying the side of their home. As mad as you might get at the damage these creatures cause they are federally protected and cannot be harmed. When you set out to solve your woodpecker problem forget about all the old wife’s tales on how to solve bird problems.  Like when your friends tell to put a plastic owl on your roof, save your money this will just add a spot for birds to roost on. Don’t waste your time with plastic snakes, moth balls, wd 40, Ultrasonic sound systems (people can’t hear them and neither can birds), birdspikes (only works on pigeons and larger birds), sticky bird gel (not registered for use on Woodpeckers and may harm them).

Getting rid of theWoodpeckers 
Always combine taste and visual products when fighting Woodpeckers, do not try to save money by applying just one of these solutions that will only lower your chances of success.
Ideally woodpecker problems should be solved when they first show up, the longer you let them peck away at your house the harder it will be to break their habit. To solve a woodpecker problem you will need to  use a combination of audio & visual woodpecker deterrents to break their habits. Think of it as going to war against the birds, the more weapons you can deploy the better chance you will have of winning the battle.
Taste Deterrents - used on birds that peck into surfaces
Woodpecker Repellant Spray
This is a non-toxic spray that puts a clear protective coating on the surface; it is effective on birds that peck into surfaces.  When the bird pecks into the area they get a bad taste in their mouth kind of like pepper spray.  Spray the product on and around the affected areas, you don’t need to cover the whole house just cover the problem area and the surrounding surface. Evenly apply two coats of the Woodpecker Repellant Spray.  I recommend creating a no peck zone of about 5’ around the damaged area.
This works the same as the spray except it is a concentrated form that is added to paint.  I recommended this product to people that were already planning on painting or as a preventative measure to help control future problems. This is a longer lasting solution because the additive is encapsulated in to the paint.

Visual Deterrents – The purpose of visual deterrents is to create fear in birds by utilizing movement, reflective sunlight, bright colors, and fearful symbols. After applying the taste deterrent hang these products in front of and around the affected areas, position them so that they are out and away from the building, that way the deterrent can move freely and is better positioned to interfere with the woodpecker’s flight path.  To do this I recommend purchasing a “swivel bracket “which makes the installation easier and more effective. Visual deterrents are available in many different forms from bird control suppliers and are constantly being improved.   The oldest ones on the market are the Scareye balloons/Octopus (a large bright colored product with predator eyes and reflective Mylar tail). A new and very effective product is the Holographic owls which combine holographic with iridescent feather pattern.  A new product on the market is the highly effective  Cat Decoy Scares Birds. The Cat Decoy scares woodpeckers by its realistic features along with a moving head and tail. Mount on the side of the wall facing down towards the problem area.  If woodpeckers are pecking at  power line poles use the Woodpecker Decoy Power Pole Deterrent . Another new product on the market is the Firefly which – Utilizes motion and florescent colors that effect avian vision, glows after dark. This product is now being used on telephone lines/Transmission Lines and Met Towers. Along with positioning products in front of the problem areas I recommend placing a visual deterrent about every 5’ on the affected side of the house. Also hang deterrents on the corners of the house closest to the problem area to cut off flight routes. Remember your goal is to overwhelm the birds with a since of fear and discomfort.

New woodpecker & pest bird deterrent is the BirdFire Optical Gel which affects all pest bird species by triggering multiple sensory responses. First, the material emits a UV light to make it appear as a flame to approaching birds. Stick the pre-loaded dishes near and around the woodpecker problem areas!

Additional woodpecker solutions
Netting- is the most effective form of bird control because if installed correctly it will 100% solve the problem. However most home owners do not want their house enclosed with netting. But for certain areas of the house ¾” netting can be used to block off problem areas. To be affective the netting must be elevated at least 3” over the area and completely enclose the targeted surface. 
The Scare Spider – The Scare Spider is a battery-operated device that is activated by sound.  When a woodpecker flies near the spider it will drop down a string and then back up again. Use one of these along with the above visual products for severe or long term problems.
Sound Devices
I know companies sell sound systems for woodpeckers; I am just not convinced of the practicality for a homeowner. Not many people want to hear screeching birds and the cry of a hawk outside their bedroom window.

Goodbye Woodpeckers
Woodpecker solutions are affordable and easy to install.  So don’t try to save money by applying just one method, always use a combination of products to overwhelm the birds since of comfort. Know one likes the idea of their house being lit up like a Christmas tree but once the problem is solved the products can be removed and used next season if needed. Good luck solving your Woodpecker problem.

Contact us at with details about your bird problem and we can work with you to determine the best bird control products to deter the birds from your property.