Monday, August 11, 2014

Stop woodpecker problems for homes using audio, visual woodpecker deterrents

Woodpeckers in the wild are great it’s when they decide to attack your home in a search of food and a new mate that they start to become a little less cute.  Woodpecker problems are becoming a bigger problem as we move closer to nature and take away their natural dwellings. That has lead to a rise in homeowners getting to hear nonstop drumming that can drive even the biggest bird lover crazy.  
How not to solve a Woodpecker Problem
For 18 years I answered every imaginable question concerning bird problems and a few times a year I used to get bombarded with questions about woodpeckers. People love to tell you long glowing stories about this cute little bird that’s driving them crazy.  From my perspective all Woodpecker problems are basically the same “annoying pecking” and destroying the side of their home. As mad as you might get at the damage these creatures cause they are federally protected and cannot be harmed. When you set out to solve your woodpecker problem forget about all the old wife’s tales on how to solve bird problems.  Like when your friends tell to put a plastic owl on your roof, save your money this will just add a spot for birds to roost on. Don’t waste your time with plastic snakes, moth balls, wd 40, Ultrasonic sound systems (people can’t hear them and neither can birds), birdspikes (only works on pigeons and larger birds), sticky bird gel (not registered for use on Woodpeckers and may harm them).

Getting rid of theWoodpeckers 
Always combine taste and visual products when fighting Woodpeckers, do not try to save money by applying just one of these solutions that will only lower your chances of success.
Ideally woodpecker problems should be solved when they first show up, the longer you let them peck away at your house the harder it will be to break their habit. To solve a woodpecker problem you will need to  use a combination of audio & visual woodpecker deterrents to break their habits. Think of it as going to war against the birds, the more weapons you can deploy the better chance you will have of winning the battle.
Taste Deterrents - used on birds that peck into surfaces
Woodpecker Repellant Spray
This is a non-toxic spray that puts a clear protective coating on the surface; it is effective on birds that peck into surfaces.  When the bird pecks into the area they get a bad taste in their mouth kind of like pepper spray.  Spray the product on and around the affected areas, you don’t need to cover the whole house just cover the problem area and the surrounding surface. Evenly apply two coats of the Woodpecker Repellant Spray.  I recommend creating a no peck zone of about 5’ around the damaged area.
This works the same as the spray except it is a concentrated form that is added to paint.  I recommended this product to people that were already planning on painting or as a preventative measure to help control future problems. This is a longer lasting solution because the additive is encapsulated in to the paint.

Visual Deterrents – The purpose of visual deterrents is to create fear in birds by utilizing movement, reflective sunlight, bright colors, and fearful symbols. After applying the taste deterrent hang these products in front of and around the affected areas, position them so that they are out and away from the building, that way the deterrent can move freely and is better positioned to interfere with the woodpecker’s flight path.  To do this I recommend purchasing a “swivel bracket “which makes the installation easier and more effective. Visual deterrents are available in many different forms from bird control suppliers and are constantly being improved.   The oldest ones on the market are the Scareye balloons/Octopus (a large bright colored product with predator eyes and reflective Mylar tail). A new and very effective product is the Holographic owls which combine holographic with iridescent feather pattern.  A new product on the market is the highly effective  Cat Decoy Scares Birds. The Cat Decoy scares woodpeckers by its realistic features along with a moving head and tail. Mount on the side of the wall facing down towards the problem area.  If woodpeckers are pecking at  power line poles use the Woodpecker Decoy Power Pole Deterrent . Another new product on the market is the Firefly which – Utilizes motion and florescent colors that effect avian vision, glows after dark. This product is now being used on telephone lines/Transmission Lines and Met Towers. Along with positioning products in front of the problem areas I recommend placing a visual deterrent about every 5’ on the affected side of the house. Also hang deterrents on the corners of the house closest to the problem area to cut off flight routes. Remember your goal is to overwhelm the birds with a since of fear and discomfort.

New woodpecker & pest bird deterrent is the BirdFire Optical Gel which affects all pest bird species by triggering multiple sensory responses. First, the material emits a UV light to make it appear as a flame to approaching birds. Stick the pre-loaded dishes near and around the woodpecker problem areas!

Additional woodpecker solutions
Netting- is the most effective form of bird control because if installed correctly it will 100% solve the problem. However most home owners do not want their house enclosed with netting. But for certain areas of the house ¾” netting can be used to block off problem areas. To be affective the netting must be elevated at least 3” over the area and completely enclose the targeted surface. 
The Scare Spider – The Scare Spider is a battery-operated device that is activated by sound.  When a woodpecker flies near the spider it will drop down a string and then back up again. Use one of these along with the above visual products for severe or long term problems.
Sound Devices
I know companies sell sound systems for woodpeckers; I am just not convinced of the practicality for a homeowner. Not many people want to hear screeching birds and the cry of a hawk outside their bedroom window.

Goodbye Woodpeckers
Woodpecker solutions are affordable and easy to install.  So don’t try to save money by applying just one method, always use a combination of products to overwhelm the birds since of comfort. Know one likes the idea of their house being lit up like a Christmas tree but once the problem is solved the products can be removed and used next season if needed. Good luck solving your Woodpecker problem.

Contact us at with details about your bird problem and we can work with you to determine the best bird control products to deter the birds from your property.

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