Wednesday, August 5, 2015

I have a problem with pest birds in my backyard trees

Birds in backyard trees

Do you have a problem with birds in your backyard trees? This is not an uncommon problem. Homeowners typically experience problems with pest birds such as starlings, crows, and grackles in their trees. If so wouldn’t you love for them to find a new home?  Left unchecked birds can be obnoxiously noisy and create quite a mess. Along with that bird droppings can ruin patio furniture, adversely affect landscaping and clog and foul swimming pools. Bird droppings also cause unsanitary conditions at patios and create the potential for slip and fall accidents. 

How do you get birds out of your trees?
Depending upon the height of your trees and how severe the bird infestation is, there are a variety of steps you can take to move the birds away from the trees.  To tackle this problem you should use a combination of bird control products including audio, visual bird scare devices and structural bird control devices.

Structural bird products for trees
Tree Shock Bird Deterrent
 If you have access to the tree branches a new bird control product called “Tree Shock” should be installed at the primary and secondary branches. The harmless electrical shock will condition the birds to roost elsewhere. Tree Shock is a low profile electrified tubing that is effective against all species of birds. The Tree Shock System is battery operated and is easy to install. Structural bird control products are highly effective and should be your first line of defense.

Visual bird deterrents for trees

Holographic Owl
After installing Tree Shock it is important to create an unwelcoming zone for the birds by strategically placing visual products in and around the trees. When possible try to figure out the direction the birds are coming from and hang visual deterrents in the flight path.

Visual bird deterrents work on bird’s predatory fear of sudden movement and predator effigies. A variety of visual deterrents like the Holographic Owl, Holographic Repel Strips, Scare Eye Balloons, Scare Eye Octopus, Mylar Flash Tape  can be hung or tied to branches.  A new highly effective bird scare device called the Flying Falcon Bird Diverter can be flown up to 300’ in the air to deter incoming flocks. The Cat Decoy Scares Birds can be mounted on a tree branch to keep away pest birds and  Bird Free Bird Repellent Gel  can be hung from branches and appears as flames to birds.  Optical Bird Gel can be glued on to the branches. If your having a problem with crows in your trees, try hanging the Dead Crow Bird Scare Decoy upside down from the branches to help scare away the crows. Combine the crow deterrent with other bird scare devices. 
 Bird Chaser Bird Deterrent -want to move flocks of crows out of trees or off power lines, the ground-breaking Bird Chaser bird deterrent is a visual bird scare device that deters problem crows & starlings from unwanted areas by reflecting irregular light beams from the sun.
 Audio Bird Deterrents for trees

There is a wide array of audio deterrent systems. All are programmed species-specific using alarm,  distress, raptor sounds. The least expensive option is CD's programmed to deter starlings, crows, blackbirds and woodpeckers. A CD containing only raptor cries is also available. A CD player, preferably with remote speakers needs to be set up and pointed up at the branches. Large infestations require the Bird Expeller. This bird scare device will protect an acre of trees.

 Birds on houses overlooking the trees.

If the birds are also nesting or roosting on your house it is advisable to install exclusionary type structural products like Bird Spikes, Bird Shock, Bird Wire or Bird Coil. Disrupting these conditions will often encourage the birds to move away.

* Audio / Visual Bird Scare products are not always effective on their own, particularly against non-migratory birds like pigeons and sparrows or where birds may be roosting rather than simply hanging out. A combination of audio / visual products should be deployed and re-located as birds react. Results vary depending on protected roosting conditions, food /water source. Overnight nesting sites typically require exclusionary products – netting, electric etc. 

Contact us at with details about your bird problem and we can work with you to determine the best bird control products to deter the birds from your property.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing a very information information about bird control. Great your technique and i mean all blog reader or those person looking for bird services will be like your blog post. keep up sharing this kind of information..

    Bird Control Products
