Friday, March 23, 2018

How do you keep vultures off your home and trees!


Do you have a problem with Vultures damaging your rooftop or leaving behind smelly droppings? 

We can help solve vulture infestations.  

Flying Vulture
Homeowners typically experience problems with turkey and black vultures roosting on rooftops, porches, fences and trees.  A vulture’s natural tendency is to rip apart animal carcasses when searching for food. This same trait can lead to the destruction of rooftops, caulking and other exterior surfaces, causing extensive damage to structures. The bird droppings from turkey vultures are large, which creates extra clean-up costs and concerns over slip-and-fall liability.

Vultures are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, so humane vulture control methods must be used to move them. Vultures are heavy, aggressive birds that defeat most standard bird control products including Stainless Steel Bird Spikes, Plastic Bird Spikes, Birdwire etc. however there are some permanent and temporary products that work to deter vultures from roosting.

Keep Vultures Off Your Roof, Deck and Fencing 

There are many audio / visual / exclusionary options available to eliminate vulture roosting on your home or trees.

Dead Vulture Decoy
The most popular vulture deterrents are the Dead Vulture Decoys
which are often successful against small flocks and new infestations. The Vulture Deterrents should be placed in a downward position at each gable end, using a rigid bracket strong enough to hold the vulture decoy up and above the roof. To increase effectiveness, install a tensioned wire across the roof ridge connected to each bracket. The wire will disrupt the vulture from landing on the ridge. Hang the 18” Dead Vulture Decoy upside down in the agony pose from the wire, which enhances the effectiveness. 

Augment this process by using a few (swiveling) Holographic Owls and the Rotating Attack Eagle. We also recommend placing Bird Free Bird Repellent Gel or BirdFire Optical Bird Gel Repellent pre-loaded dishes around the roof to give the appearance of fire! The Gull-Cat Bird Deterrent can be positioned down slope or sitting on porch railings. The Gull-Cat Bird Deterrent bobbing tail and head with menacing teeth provide an additional scare factor.

Rotating Attack Eagle Bird Deterrent
For large, long-standing vulture problems, we strongly recommend the Bird Shock Electrical System. Similar to a cattle fence, the harmless shock typically modifies all roosting behavior. The entire roof does not need to be covered, just the primary roosting areas. These roosting areas are usually the roof ridge and chimney. The Bird Shock Flex tracks are easily installed by using adhesive.

Keep Vultures Out of Trees

Turkey Vultures roosting in trees overnight obviously result in daytime roosting elsewhere on the property. Regardless of the defensive deterrent systems mentioned above for roofs etc., it's imperative that the vultures overnight nesting pattern is permanently disrupted.

There are two options. We have a highly successful species-specific audio system that has been used at a Sierra Leone United Nations Heliport, landfill and various rooftops. Depending on the size of the flock and/or commitment to the site, it is sometimes necessary to re-enforce the audio program with an exclusionary system. Contact us at with details about your vulture problem and we can work with you to determine the best specific audio to deter the vultures.

Tree Shock Bird Deterrent

Installing Tree-Shock Electrical System at the primary and secondary roosting branches harmlessly shocks the leading alpha birds and alerts the entire flock to avoid the potential area.
After installing Tree Shock vulture deterrent it is important to create an unwelcoming zone for the birds by strategically placing visual products including the Dead Vulture Decoy (hang upside down to simulate the death position), and Gull-Cat Bird Deterrent in and around the trees and yard. Along with a Gull-Cat Bird Deterrent, the BirdFire Optical Bird Gel Repellents in pre-loaded dishes can be glued or taped along branches or fence to give the appearance of fire!

Contact us at with details about your vulture problem and we can work with you to determine the best vulture control products to deter the vultures from your property.


  1. Great post!!Thanks for sharing it with us....really needed. Birds cause millions of dollars of damage annually to motor vehicles, structures, machinery, ventilation systems, warehoused products, aircraft, the list goes on and on. This is where a bird control company can help...Pigeon Control Phoenix AZ

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