Thursday, October 3, 2019

Learn how to solve Crow Problems-Using Crow Deterrents

Get Rid of Pesky Crows with this Crow Deterrent

Deter aggressive crows by creating fear that there is a real predator in the area.  This full-feathered, life-like, exact-size crow replica decoy appears like a dead crow in a death pose to live birds, driving them from the area.

Installation Options

Position the Dead Crow Bird Deterrent at the infested / roosting area - rooftop or other flat areas. Two Crows are better than one - place one decoy face down and the other feet up.

Dead Crow Bird Deterrent
The dead crow decoy device can be displayed using the Swivel Bracket Kit or hung upside down from branches or wires. This will signal danger to other birds.  

Keep the crows guessing - move the decoy randomly every day or two to create the illusion of a "fresh kill" by the predator.

Initially, birds approach the decoy, but usually leave when they see the unnatural position of the 'corpse' crow.

We recommend using a combination of audio & visual bird deterrents at roosting areas around the problem area to increase the fear reaction and convince the crows there is a predator nearby.  If possible, hang or mount the decoy in the flight path of the pest birds. Additional crow scare deterrents to use in combination with the dead crow decoy include – Mylar Bird Scare Flash Tape, Holographic Bird Scare Tape, Eagle Bird Deterrent Decoy, Bird Scare Eye Balloons, Zon Gun Bird Scare Propane Cannons, Optical Bird Gel, Holographic Bird Scare FlashStrip, BirdXPeller Pro Electronic Repeller etc..

The Gull Cat Bird Deterrent Decoy is also recommended as a re-enforcement to the crow decoy. The Scare Cat's head / tail movement and menacing teeth will alert the birds that a predator is present. 
Want to move flocks of crows out of trees or off power lines?
The ground-breaking Bird Chaser bird deterrent is a visual bird scare device that deters problem crows & starlings from unwanted areas by reflecting irregular light beams from the sun.

The “Bird Distress calls cd,” an inexpensive CD audio option is also available which includes predator attack cries & bird alarm calls that are species specific for crows, starlings and grackles.

NOTE: Crows are extremely aggressive and typically very committed to remaining at a nesting site. Accordingly, we strongly recommend a combination of audio / visual products to re-enforce the crow decoy. Also, you will want to move the visual scare products regularly, especially in the beginning to enforce the idea a predator is near and fresh kills are occurring regularly.

A permanent, exclusionary (Bird Shock Scare Device, Bird Netting, etc) deterrent system is required if roosting continues.

For specific advice email with a brief description of roosting conditions.

1 comment:

  1. Very helpful blog. Thanks for sharing. Know more about Bird flight diverter
